Diverse Learning Environments
Infants/ 0-18 Months
MSTC provides infants with nurturing, warm, and caring emotional connections with the infant that build trust and security.
WE provide play opportunities that invite infants to engage,
explore and discover their environment through everyday routines. -
MSTC also partner with families and share reflections on each child’s unique development.

Toddlers/18-36 Months
MSTC supports each child’s individual natural growth and development through responsive care and sensory learning experiences.
MSTC provides nurture caring relationships with children and helps them express their feelings.
Offer sensory-rich play that invites children to explore their imaginations through art and drama, investigate our world, and problem-solve new challenges.
Partner with the family and share reflections on each child’s unique development

Preschool / 3 – 5 Years
MSTC helps children explore their environment to experiment with ideas, manipulate materials and construct knowledge and science.
Our families are central to the intellectual and social growth of the child. Family culture and beliefs add beauty to the school community..